
Cloud Computing

As growing numbers of organizations harness the low costs, elastic processing power and high flexibility of cloud-computing—and as more and more face the challenges of managing a hybrid-cloud environment—they will need the help of trusted and highly skilled cloud professionals.

Today's tendencies are; spending more and more time on restructuring IT architecture to fit in the cloud and utilize its benefits.

The implementation of a hybrid approach may seem straightforward. However even the handling of a simple hybrid environment can be a particularly complex responsibility.

We are committed to support companies to
manage cloud opportunities and challenges.

We have an indistinct view of the digital future toward which this hybrid world is leading us.

Thus, we have profound understanding of what is conceivable when legacy systems and cloud solutions cohabit, and we combine those understandings with our industry familiarity to boost innovation and renovate complex environments into high-performance engines.

Our services

  • Cloud Applications & Platforms
  • Cloud Infrastructure
  • Cloud Security
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • Business Process as a Service Cloud-Enabled Software Support


Cloud allows digital technologies like mobility, big data and advanced analytics and social medias

To meet the ever-changing business needs, organisations need to invest time and budget to scale up their IT infrastructure. Such as hardware software and services. However, with on-premises IT infrastructure the scaling process can be slow. Organizations are frequently unable to achieve optimal utilisation of their IT infrastructure. Cloud computing is a paradigm shift that provides computing over the internet. Cloud computing service consists of highly optimised virtual data centres, that provide various software, hardware and information resources for use when needed. Organizations can simply connect to the cloud and use the available resources on a paper use basis. This helps companies avoid capital expenditure on additional on-premises infrastructure resources and instantly scale up or scale down according to business requirements.

You can deploy a cloud computing service by using three different models. A private cloud a public cloud or a hybrid cloud. A private cloud function solely for one organisation on a private network and is highly secure. A public cloud is owned by The Cloud service provider and offers the highest level of efficiency in shared resources. A hybrid cloud is a combination of private and public deployment models. In a hybrid cloud specific resources are run or used in a public cloud and others are run or used on premises in a private cloud this provides increased efficiency. Cloud computing consists of the following service models: infrastructure as a service: IaaS. Platform as a service PaaS and software-as-a-service SaaS.

By using the IaaS model organization's get infrastructure components. Such as computing power and storage capacity. Here the organisation has control over the entire IT infrastructure including the hosting environment in the applications. However, the organisation needs to allocate additional staff to maintain and manage the infrastructure and the application. Microsoft has proposed remote desktops and virtual machines to Microsoft Windows Azure as an IaaS offering. The PaaS model provides organisations with the platform or Runtime Environment to create and deploy applications. Here the organisation is only responsible for the development maintenance and management of the applications. Microsoft provides the Windows Azure platform as a PaaS offering. The SaaS model provides organisations with ready-to-use applications that use a combination of cloud-based Computing storage services. Microsoft provides various online services: such as Microsoft business productivity online suite BPOS and Microsoft dynamics CRM online as a SaaS offering.

Cloud Services are extremely important to handle follow the sun multinational companies at different geographical locations and with geographical barriers. EMEA Systems consultants are helping to tackle the need for requiring a better collaboration, solution. In addition, we help planning to develop a cost-effective data mining application to collect data with an efficient and cost-effective solution to challenging problems.

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